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PEBBLE4 Konfigurationen
  Artikelnummer Farbe Produktbeschreibung
BASIC USB PBL401OCU Ozeanblau Pebble4 Basic
Basic printer without option, USB
PBL401FRU Feuerrot
PBL401JGU Dschungelgrün
USB & ETHERNET PBL401OCH Ozeanblau Pebble4 Basic
Basic printer without option, USB & Ethernet
PBL401FRH Feuerrot
PBL401JGH Dschungelgrün
MAG USB PBL401OCU-M Ozeanblau Pebble4 Mag ISO
Printer with Mag ISO Dual HiCo/LoCo 3-track magnetic stripe encoder, USB
PBL401FRU-M Feuerrot
PBL401JGU-M Dschungelgrün
PBL401OCU-J Ozeanblau Pebble4 Mag JIS2
Printer with Mag JIS2 Dual HiCo/LoCo magnetic stripe encoder, USB
PBL401FRU-J Feuerrot
PBL401JGU-J Dschungelgrün
USB & ETHERNET PBL401OCH-M Ozeanblau Pebble4 Mag ISO
Printer with Mag ISO Dual HiCo/LoCo 3-track magnetic stripe encoder, USB & Ethernet
PBL401FRH-M Feuerrot
PBL401JGH-M Dschungelgrün
PBL401OCH-J Ozeanblau Pebble4 Mag JIS2
Printer with Mag JIS2 Dual HiCo/LoCo magnetic stripe encoder, USB & Ethernet
PBL401FRH-J Feuerrot
PBL401JGH-J Dschungelgrün
SMART USB PBL401OCH-0S Ozeanblau Pebble4 Smart
Printer with Smart Contact Station, USB
PBL401FRH-0S Feuerrot
PBL401JGH-0S Dschungelgrün
MIFARE USB PBL401OCH-00AC Ozeanblau Pebble4 Mifare®
Printer Contactless with ACG Mifare Easy encoding module, USB
PBL401FRH-00AC Feuerrot
PBL401JGH-00AC Dschungelgrün